FHT Meet & Match Seminar 2020

Food Packaging for Delivery: Trends and Application
9 September 2020| 09.00-12.00 | BITEC, 2 Flr., Room: NILE1
By Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR)
Conducted in Thai

Thai Hotels Association (THA) Member Meeting
9 September 2020| 10.30-12.00 | BITEC, 2 Flr., Room: NILE2-4
By Thai Hotels Association (THA)
Conducted in Thai

What Thai Travelers Want!
Entice the Thai Market from Service to Marketing
9 September 2020| 14.00-16.00 | BITEC, 2 Flr., Room: NILE2-4
By Thai Hotels Association (THA)
Conducted in Thai

Confidence Enhancement of Hotel Food Quality in Accordance with the New Normal
10 September 2020| 08.30-12.00 | BITEC, 2 Flr., Room: NILE1
By Industrial Metrology and Testing Service Centre, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR)
Conducted in Thai

What Next? Navigating Thailand FMCG post COVID-19
10 September 2020 | 14.00-15.00 | BITEC, 2 Flr., Room: NILE1
By Kantar Thailand, Worldpanel Division
Conducted in Thai